There is a move afoot to rename the Coronado Bridge to the Ronald Regan-Coronado Bridge. We are sure all the Republicans in Coronado like the idea but this doesn’t’ sit to well with the Chicanos of Chicano Park. Chicano Park and the murals and Ronald Regan are an oxymoron. Anyway if you want nip this idea in the bud there is a online petition you can sign before this idea becomes a reality: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/coronadobridge/

    There are some planners in Chula Vista who think that taking a 4 lane road on Third Ave and taking a two block stretch and squeezing it down to two lanes, imagine a bottleneck, is a good idea???? We wonder if these are the same planners that thought a toll road to no-where was a good idea???

    While we are on Chula Vista… after reading the VofSD stories on the Dynegy power plant cleanup it sounds like this is a boondoggle waiting to happen… we shall see.

    Local politics are already starting to heat up. The interesting part is that everybody already has a scenario figured out and the wannabe politicans are trying to figure out how they can take advantage. The latest secenario is the Filner is going to run for San Diego mayor, Vargas is going to run for the Filner seat and Hueso… well Huseo is on the outs right now, his missteps in the his last election didn’t win him any new friends.

    Speaking of missteps, the MAAC project has had a few lately with misuses of federal funds, a co-mingling of funds, union un-rest, it appears that CEO Antonio Pizano is not long for his job. Some in the community are saying he will soon be gone…

    Another organization in hot water, so it seems, is the Hispanic Chamber of Commerece. They are being asked questions by channel 10 about a missues of funds…. Seems that the chamber has been stonewalling.

    Saw where Bill Gates doesn’t want to pay teachers with advanced degrees any more than teachers with just a 4 year degree. So let me see if I got this right, he wants to improve the education of kids and see them go to college, but he doesn’t think there is any value in a higher degree — this seems counter intuitive….  Once again this just the good old Henry Ford model of mass production at work here… of course the fact that Gates gives millions to education makes him an expert….

    Wisconsion Gov. Walker may not know this but his effort to bust the union in his state has done more to solidfy the union. Thousands are showing up in support of the union there and as it turns out a majority of the people support the workers right to collective barganing… Walker singlehandly is reviving the Union movement….

            According to a Texas, demographer Steve Murdock: “It’s basically over for Anglos,” in Texas. The Anglo population is old and aging while the Hispanic population is young and growing. It has been a long time since the Alamo but it looks like the reconquest is on….
