
 Breaking a bad streak: Last week it was reported that Congressman Bob Filner’s chief of staff Humberto Peraza had left the Congressman to go and work for SD city councilman Ben Hueso. Hombre, Humberto is trying to break the bad luck that all of Filner’s staffers have met when running for office – they all lost… Humberto who has been planning to run for office doesn’t want to take any chances… quien sabe!
 Esto Indio shared bread with the Chief of Police de National City, Adolfo Gonzalez, to let us know that he is onr of the top of candidates for Police Chief of Chula Vista. He has done a great job in National City… don’t see why he can’t continue the job in Chula…
 Speaking of police, been getting a lot of complaints and conversation about the number of tickets being handed out lately, people are complaining that cities are looking to make more by ticketing the residents… one joven received a ticket, got his car towed and the bill came to $1800… that is just flat wrong, two truck drivers are ripping off the public.
 Rudy Ramirez, Councilman for Chula Vista, got raked over the coals from Mylissa McCann for questioning the deployment of her husband Councilman McCann. Mayor Cox gave her all the time in the world to say her piece. Following Mylissa several veterans got up and piled on Ramirez. Hijole Ramirez you got owned by Mylissa…
 McCann departure leaves an open seat on the council and they will soon fill the seat by appointment. Interested in applying? Applications are available the city’s Web site (www.chulavistaca.gov) or in the City Clerk’s office on Monday. Hopefully the CV council will get a good pool of applicants to pick from, preferably one who has no designs on running for this open seat in 2010.
 One thing we are finding out about Ben Hueso is that if you want to be appointed to anything you better be a lawyer… Hueso’s ethics commission nomination and Port commission nominations have been lawyers. He has a short list of nominations, but so far he is favoring lawyers. I guess us non-lawyers to don’t cut the mustard.

 David Bejarano has raised over $100,000 in two short months, that is a lot of money, considering the primary is still a year away. The only problem with raising this much money is that most of it is coming from special interest, lobbyist, big corporations, so we wonder what is there interest in the sheriff’s race????
 An oldie but a goodie: a couple of months ago the English-Only movement held a big conference in Washington hosted by Pat Buchanan, former presidential candidate, turns out the group can’t spell. As the speakers ridiculed Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor for her supposed lack of English proficiency at Princeton University, they did so beneath a large banner that contained a doozy of a typo – they spelled conference with an extra e “Conferenece”. Oopps…
