Chula Vista High School’s new performing arts center will not be named after William Virchis, instead it will bear the name of Jack Tygett, a performer and teacher of 30 years in the district. The theater inside the center will be name after Virchis. Both gentlemen were worthy and this compromise seems to work for everyone involved….

    Sweetwater Union High School District caught in a whirlwind of bad news… Superintendent Jesus Gandara is bearing the brunt of criticism… but at the eye of this storm is the law firm representing the district, headed by Bonnie Garcia… each piece of bad news seems to have this named attached in one form or another… more questions than answers.

    This is like déjà vu all over again with Sweetwater… seems we just went through something like this with Southwestern College where the board members failed to act with a couple getting sweep out of office and the new board ushering out the Superintendent… that should serve as a wake up call for the High School board….

    La Prensa SD sponsored a Hispanic Educational Forum last week and it turned out great, more people showed up than anticipated which is a good sign. This forum is going to be followed up by another forum in June at Balboa Park. For more info: http://www.parentsforqualityed.org/portal/652#0 it is important to continue the conversation going on improving the quality of education for our students.

    The Chula Vista political rumor mill is hard at work with Shirley Horton on everyone’s wish list to run for mayor… looks like John McCann is going to challenge Pamela Bensoussan… and so far it looks like Mary Salas has cleared the field, so far, with her announcement she will be running for the open council seat.

    Chula Vista is considering district elections, about time, and if anyone is interested the Charter Review will be taking up the issue June 6 at City Hall. If you want to see this issue get off the drawing board go down to 276 Fourth Avenue for the 4 pm meeting and make your voice heard.

    Escondido Charros we will be meeting, this Sunday, at Caballo Trail, hosting a fundraiser. Escondido city council voted to evict them at the end of this year. Not only do the Charros have to move, but the community is also losing that beautiful area used by many.  So they are raising money for attorney’s fees. See you at 2 pm! The Charros have been there for over 50 years. Escondido needs this Mexican tradition to continue.

    The toughest Sherriff in America, Joe Apairo, got a bit of egg on his face when three of his officers were arrested for drug and human trafficking. Guess you’re not so tough when the employees are running wild. Of course it doesn’t help when all three officers are Hispanic…

            Bad news for Republicans: In a special election in New York Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated the Republican, pending a possible recount. That this race was even close is major news. In the last election the Republican won the vote with nearly 75% of the vote. So this Republican enclave swung democrat… why? Because Republican budget plan would cut billions from Medicare, the government health plan for seniors. You can mess with a lot of things, but don’t mess with Seniors!!!
