Disgruntled with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party some Hispanics have created their own “party”, the Tequila Party… Haven’t heard of it, you will soon enough, the Tequila Party will be going out on tour and may come to a city near you…

    Who or whomever thought of the tequila party must have been drinking tequila to come up with this name for a political action group… how can you take serious a political party named after Tequila???? The Democrats have their donkey; the Republicans the elephant; the tequila party will have a shot glass??????

    California Democrats passed a budget, to keep their pay checks coming, that didn’t pass the muster with Gov. Brown who vetoed it. The question is do the legislatures get to draw their paychecks or what??? The Demos are saying hey we passed a budget it is not our fault… give us our money!

    You gotta to give the Gov kudos for have the huevos to stand up to his own party…

    UT editor Don Sevrens, he focused on the South County, was let go in the last batch of firings from the daily paper. This after the other South County focused writer Tanya Sierra, saw the writing on the wall and left the UT for the District Attorney’s office earlier…. Hijole, will the last person to the Mission Valley compound please turn off the lights…

    Speaking of turning off the lights the South Bay publication “El Dario” closed their doors this week… the Spanish language publication managed to last seven years. Qué lástima!… we need more Hispanic publications not fewer…

    The political carousal is going around and around with names and races tumbling about, here are a few ideas floating about: Lori Saldana for Congress taking on Brian Bilbray, of course Saldana has already made it known she has her eye on the 39th State Senate seat.

    Raquel Marquez-Madsen of San Ysidro has been mentioned as long shot for the 79th Assembly District if Ben Hueso runs for State Senate. Another long shot would be Humberto Peraza.

    Then there is Pearl Quinones who has let it be known that she wants to be the next Assemblymember for the 79th.

    That is it for now but with candidates only weeks away from being able to start raising funds for campaigns it should start to heat up even more…
