Sweetwater Unified did the right thing in terminating Superintendent Gandara, but did they have to give the farm away???? $400K and lifetime retirement benefits. Hijole, Gandara got his money and is back in Tejas relaxing….

    Sweetwater school board meeting was raucous and a little disappointing to see professionals act like hooligans… with Bertha Lopez as the ringleader, somehow she managed to paint herself as the victim…

    Sacking Gandara was a positive step, but then the board went and hired Ed Brand, who most recently was let go from San Marcos Unified after only one year; he too received a buyout of some $400K.

    With Brand, former Sweetwater Superintending prior to Gandara, he did not leave SUHSD on the best of terms, remember the Inzunza cell phone misuse to the tune of $10,000, and Prop BB monies being spent on building Taj Mahal type gyms instead of the intended purpose, and of course the politicking of Brand’s… part and parcel why he was let go at San Marcos… yacht parties anyone?

    Sweetwater Unified two steps forward, one step back…

    Gandara may have got sacked this week but also getting more than his fair share of criticism was board president John McCann…. the teachers in attendance did their best to shout him down…. McCann not showing mayoral timber that night…. or for that matter he handled the whole Gandara situation rather meekly!

    Last week we ran down some of the potential candidates out there thinking about running for office, some names that have come up, and others have asked about, are CV city councilman Steve Castaneda and National City councilperson Alejandra Sotelo-Solis??? Qué pasó? maybe they are taking a break from their last elections which didn’t go so well…

    The other comment on the candidates running was on Vargas willing to leave his State Senate seat for Congress after only 6 months on the job…. hell that is longer than when he made the announcement he was running for Assembly practically on the same day he was sworn in as city council member way back when….

    Looks like the Gateway II building on H street is a bust with owner Pieri defaulting on his loan owing the city a cool 2 mil. Looks like his building on 3rd near Henry’s isn’t doing so well either, sitting half empty ever since the UT moved out….
