Bob Castañeda still contemplating on whether or not to move to Chula Vista and run for CV city council seat. For those not familiar Bob is brother to CV city councilman Steve… are we looking at a beginning of a Kennedy-isk dynasty???? Let’s see if he has the huevos to take on Bensousan!

   Steve Castañeda is termed out and the big question out there is, what’s next???? The rumor is Assembly…

   Chrysler and Chivas (soccer) are offering two season tickets for Chivas 2012 season, all you have to do is go to our web site (http://laprensa-sandiego.org) and leave a short comment and you could be the lucky winner. No cost involved.

   We join with our Jewish brethren as they celebrating Rosh Hashanah, or the Jewish New Year.  Rosh Hashanah is the first of the High Holidays and is celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur.

            The Census Bureau says that Hispanics voted at record high of 7% in last year’s congressional race a high for a non Presidential year. On one hand this is good news but on the other…only 7%, come on we make up 16% percent of the population at 50 million, that is only 3.5 million voters… come on guys we can do better than that!!! We should be voting at least 30% or better to have a real impact….
