Jose Hernandez, the farmworker who became a NASA astronaut, has announced that he is running for Congress in the Tracy/Modesto area of Califas. Hernandez became known for his tweets in Spanish, while in space and his position on immigration reform once he was back on earth. By the way he has nearly 208,000 tweet followers who know him as Astro Jose. This will be one race to watch.

Pregunta por Sweetwater Union High School Board president John McCann: when are you going to start the search for a new superintendent???

Recall election going on in Arizona where State Senator Russell Pearce who was the architect of SB 1070 the anti-Hispanic legislation, at the time the harshest in the nation is in a close race. As a part of his strategy he corralled Olivia Cortes to run in order to draw votes from his main competitor, Republican Jerry Lewis who is a moderate. Cortes withdrew from the race after it was shown that there was collusion between herself and Pearce to draw Hispanics votes away from Lewis. So Pearce who is anti-Hispanic is also a cheater…. The election is Nov. 8.

Carl DeMaio is headed to Texas …. To study job creation!!! Hey vato you don’t need to go to Texas, what about all this talk about cutting back on spending… doesn’t it start at home. Why don’t you just tweet, email, or facebook them and ask your questions. Besides the only jobs Texas has created are minimum wage jobs. Maybe the real agenda is to find out how much more can be taken away from city employees, could be pensions aren’t enough for DeMaio???

Ron Morrison, mayor of National City, hosted his state of the city address last week but was more like a street festival with “lots of fun, food and friends” and a bunch of sponsors. Looks like the city is up for sale with a carnival atmosphere with Morrison serving as ring master, with dignity out the window.

Union Bank keep bugging el jefe to publicize their Hispanic heros in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month. El Jefe finally had to tell them that he wouldn’t/couldn’t recognize someone he didn’t respect. One of their heroes was Richard Nares (we like him) the other was Rachel Ortiz….

Tijuana is hosting their 11th Annual Tequila Festival and Expo from October 14th to October 16 and will feature tequila experts and distillers who will give visitors the opportunity to sample over  400 different types of Tequilas. The festival takes place on the world famous Avenida Revolución.
