The corruption allegations against the South Bay school board members may be big time but when compared to the really big time players it is small potatoes. Duke Cunningham is probably laughing calling them rookies after he pleaded guilty to accepting more than $2 million in bribes.

There is one nagging question about DA Dumanis’ investigation… why are there only ethnic minorities charged or investigated in this corruption case??? No white republicans involved??? Kind of makes you scratch your head a bit…

DA Dumanis has a reputation of going after minorities on witch hunts and coming up with egg on her face, we don’t easily forget the Steve Castaneda case that was based on smoke and mirrors and eventually led the to dismantling of her Public Integrity unit because of their lack of success… seems they only found corruption in the South Bay.

The rumor mill has it that Arnulfo Manriquez the CEO of the Chicano Federation will soon be stepping down and will be moving back to the MAAC Project as their CEO… Seems this is big news but we are not sure why???

 Bob Castaneda has made it all but official that he will be running against Pamela Bensoussan and Larry Brietfielder for CV city council saying Feb 1 he become an official CV resident and will then file his papers to run…. if nothing else he should make the race interesting….

New Year Resolutions:

Juan Vargas and Denise Ducheney resolve to play nice and run positive campaigns.

That someone, anyone will find the courage to step up and run against Mary Salas in Chula Vista.

That the Mayor of Escondido will save the taxpayers millions of dollars by not challenging district elections and bring it before the board for approval.

Resolve to support the Chargers through thick and thin, wins and losses. And the Padres as well, even though we can’t afford to attend any of the games.

Resolve NOT the call the new 9th district a Hispanic district, which it is not.

Resolve to find out what ever happened to Chula Vista’s Centennial it was like nothing happened… what a D U D!!!

Resolve to try the South Bay Express Way once they lower prices, maybe some Saturday afternoon to beat the rush to the swap meet in the Lemon Grove area.

Resolve to work hard to Get the Vote Out! Want to make a difference, got to vote!

Resolve to get Tezzy out more than just once in a while, seems it is missed by mucha gente.

That’s it for now, send us your resolutions and we will print them….
