Another spanish-language newspaper bites the dust. The New York Daily News laid off their three Latino staffers of its weekly Spanish-language publication, Hora Hispana and then shut the edition down all together.

Our amiga Diana Gomez celebrated a first of sorts. Turns out she is donating her brain to the Brain Institute at UCSD, this will be the first bilingual brain donated. That brain is going to keep them confounded for a while. Check it out if you would like to donate your brain…. http://thebrainobservatory.ucsd.edu/content/aliens-brain

Just in case you are wondering, Diana is alive and well and it will be a while before the doctors get their hands on her cabeza….

It turns out that political consultant and lobbyist Art Castañares sold the San Ysidro School District a bill of goods… how come this doesn’t surprise us. We don’t know is more at fault Castañares for being a flimflam salesman or the school board that signed a $17 million dollar contract from someone who had absolutely nothing to sell. That must have been one hell of a sales meeting. That was four years ago and San Ysidro is still waiting for the first panel to go up. We have to thank Susan Luzzaro for reporting the San Ysidro story, she does a great job in covering the south bay.

Quite a gathering at the Al Alvarado’s birthday party with a lot of politicos showing up, Jim Bates former congressman, Al and Denise Ducheny not looking to happy after coming in 3rd in their congressional race, Pamela Bensoussan, looks like red is her favorite color, Mayor Ron Morrison, and many others that came and went before this old Viejo got there.

Chunky Sanchez had to take a visit to the hospital and spend a few days at a convelesant home. He is feeling better now but a close call.

Director Robert Rodriguez is making the squeal to “Machete” calling it “Machete Kills” sequel, has already begun filming in Texas, starring Danny Trejo, Jessica Alba, Sofia Vergara … Charlie Sheen is in negotiations to play the U.S. president in the film. Is Rodriguez calling his shot with the presidential election? Sheen a white guy playing the president? Guess Rodriguez is betting that Obama will be out of office….

New York Rep. Charles Rangel’s margin of victory in the primary has shrunk to about an 800 vote lead. How this guy is surviving is beyond este Indio what with the huge ethics scandel last year. Just goes to show politics is not a science…

With the show me your papers portion of SB 1070 upheld there are two different answers to the question when asked by the Arizona migra… we mean police…. when they ask you for papers:

Plan 1: Orale Raza, it’s time to take action. I am calling on all my Arizona brothers and sisters to act in defiance of Arizona’s draconian SB1070 rule of law that was justified by the U.S. Supreme Court. If you look “illegal” you will be stopped, questioned, harassed, detained, … this is racial profiling and it is wrong. My idea is that we must break this unjust law’s back by overwhelming the system. We can beat Governor Janet Brewer at her own game by forcing all Arizona law enforcement agencies to comply with the law ten thousand fold.

I am encouraging all Arizonans to “dress the part” and give them what they want. Everyone must work together and start wearing suspicious looking clothing every day and everywhere. Doing so will overwhelm police agencies throughout the state by forcing them to question everyone’s legal status, whether they like it or not. Then we’ll see how long the people of Arizona are willing to put up with this needless, worthless law before they get tired and do away with it. Contact your friends and family to join in and make this work. It can be done. “Si se puede”.

Plan 2: The American Civil Liberties Union says that I”f you think you were treated unfairly by the police, write down everything that happened. If police asked to see your papers, try to remember how long you were stopped for. The Supreme Court said that police cannot keep you for a long time just to check your immigration status. For people in Arizona: if a police officer delayed your release while he or she checked your status or if you believe you were asked about your immigration status based on your race, ethnicity, or ability to speak English, let us know by calling 855-737-7386. The ACLU wants everyone to remember “no matter where you live or whether the law is in effect, you have certain Constitutional rights if you are stopped by police—even if you don’t have papers.
