Tezozomoc Speaks

Crossroads II in Chula Vista wants a signature park on the bay front… no problem with that, but as a part of their argument for this park they are promoting a boat repair yard as a tourist attraction… nothing more than I want to do on a sunny day than watch somebody sandblast a boat polluting the air with lead paint. Come on Crossroads you have to come up with something better than a boat yard as an attraction….

Time Magazine made it official; Hispanics will pick the next President…..

Lorena Gonzalez was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer/CEO of the San Diego & Imperial Counties Labor Council, guess this means she won’t be running for public office any time soon… que lastima!

The worst case scenario came to past this past week in Tuscon, AZ where camouflaged gunmen shot two immigrants as they crossed the border… vigilantes killing people for wanting to work in the US…. In Tucson where immigrant bashing is seemingly their favorite pastime….
