Tezozomoc Speaks

The question at Sweetwater High School District is whether or not to hire consultant Ed Brand as fulltime Superintendent, which has the locals mighty upset… wasn’t Brand supposed to interim until they did a search????

Last we heard Brand hasn’t showed up to work lately, cancelled meetings, and no longer taking phone calls… sounds like someone who has quit…. sounds like a good time to move on.

The hard core group of anti-Brand, anti-school board, showed little class at school board meeting when they heckled John McCann for calling for the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence in honor of 9-11… heckling in support of Bertha Lopez. Hey, it is okay to not like someone, but that doesn’t excuse bad manners…

There were high hopes for the La Raza Unida convention in Texas but it turns out there wasn’t much interest in ancient history. A good time to reminisce with the old guard but no new movement coming out of this gathering….

With Manchester now owning all the news all the time now it kind of reminds me of the James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies with his nemesis media baron Elliot Carver who tries control the world through the media….

With the U-T supporting the Republican Party, what are the Democrats to do???? Of course our suggestion is it is time to start supporting media such as La Prensa and help build it up in order to have a voice, one thing you know for sure you will never get a fair shake in the new U-T, just ask Bob Filner.
