Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyDoesn’t it strike you as odd that the two leading voices on immigration are Cubanos and Republican??? We have all heard about and from Senator Marco Rubio who is the lead proponent of immigration reform, but not necessarily a path to citizenship. The lesser known Hispanic is Senator Ted Cruz from Texas who is the lead opponent to immigration reform…. And here we thought that immigration was more of a Mexican issue. Where are the Mexican-American political leaders????

Cruz uses his father’s road to citizenship as his standard-bearer for denying a path to citizenship. Just one problem… there is a huge difference between emigrating from Cuba where Cubans are welcomed to America and emigrating from Mexico where a triple fence separates the two countries. No fence on the Florida beach front.

And Rubio keeps backing away from his original plan and is now pushing for more border security before a path opens up to legalization… Rubio also has a story about his dad coming from Cuba…. We wonder where they would be if their dads had come from Mexico????

Sacramento politicians get taken care of first!!! Sacramento gets a balanced budget and the first recommendation out is that they all should get a raise…these guys are already the highest paid in the nation… the commission says it is not a raise but a restoration of their pay cut over the years….

In the meantime with the City of Chula Vista passing their budget Mayor Cox is saying now is not the time for pay raises….

And in San Ysidro school board member Antonio Martinez is refusing his pay because the district is in such debt… admirable, but stupid! His pay, whatever that is, doesn’t mean much in the big picture…. Take the pay and take the staff out for a beer…. Money well spent then.
