Es tiempo por New Year’s Resolutions: 

For este Indio: I resolve to find the time to sit down and put together more Tezzies throughout the year. It was a very tough year for this pobre Indio, mucho trabajo trying to find advertisers for the paper every week. If you want to help out send their contact info muy pronto…. 

Otra Resolution:  

   Por Juan Vargas: may his resolution be that he has learned from his past campaign mistakes and always remember all elections are local; your money may come from up north but the votes come from the community. You need to re-connect with the community if you want to win. This means more than a Christmas card…. 

   For Pamela Bensoussan: first term Chula Vista council person, should resolve not to forget those 46 (or was it 45) Democratic voters who put you in office. In less than one short year it appears that esta politica has turned her back on her supporters and making friends with those who opposed her. Can’t wait to see what she does the next three years…. 

   For all the relatively newbie Chicanos: resolve not to forget those who made it possible for your advance…. Este indio went to the mass for Emma Crillo and it was disappointing to see that the community did not come out to show their respect for all she did. One of the original founders of the Chicano Federation, with the exception of old-timers Jess Haro, Richard Inzunza, and Tina C. De Baca there was no Federation presence…. Qué lástima… 

   For the Board at Southwestern College the resolve to define the difference between the freedom of speech (the freedom of speech is not limited to a designated area), intimidation through authority, and a legitimate threat… With one dumb action you undid all the good things accomplished…. 

   For Mayor Cheryl Cox: the resolve to run for re-election based on her accomplishments and not on some out of town attorney digging up dirty on her main opponent… by the way, what is the running total on that bill. The LA attorney has been reviewing those Castañeda files for some time now… what is it, $200 dollars an hour??? Nothing brings a smile to an attorney, or a consultant, like an open check book. 

   National City Mayor Ron Morrison: to resolve to do the right thing and refund all those poor folks they have been double billing for business licenses … come on, the City of San Diego did the right thing… what part of illegal don’t you understand???
