Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzySweetwater Superintendent Brand will go to bat for, for-profit institutions such as Aliant U but won’t go to bat for the teachers, typical administrator!!! Seems like Brand has taken a page from the republican play book and won’t budge on teacher negotiations…

What does Brand want??? Seems like he wants the teachers off health care benefits and see them all shift to Obamacare. How will he do this??? Wants to double benefits cost from $600 a month to $1200 a month. To add insult to injury he won’t even discuss a pay raise.

Teachers showed up in mass and of course the school board took the chicken’s way out and shut down the meeting, not even caring to hear what the teachers had to say… looks like a strike is on the horizon!!! The only way to stand up to a bully is to confront them…

The Sweetwater school board continues to live down to its reputation…

Now that the budget crisis is over, immigration is once again front and center but don’t hold your breath… Republicans took a whipping on the budget deal so they are going to take it out on immigration, they will drag their feet and if they do present anything it will be so ridiculous it will be shot down. Then the holidays will kick in and they will all take off for a couple of months… no immigration reform this year!!!

Congressman Juan Vargas feeling feisty, calling on Mayor of El Cajon to step down after making racist comments. Seems Mayor Lewis made some derogatory remarks about the Chaldean community…. in a article back in May!!! Why did Vargas wait so long??? Could it be he didn’t want to be the lone ranger and waited for community reaction first? Vargas stated he was sickened by the comments, guess he wasn’t sickened six months ago when the comments were printed???

One of the bills that Gov Brown signed, that didn’t get much notice, Assembly Bill 955. This is a test program to charge more at community colleges. The program will allow six campuses to charge more per unit $140 to $404 per unit for impacted classes. Most classes are three units. Normally the cost is $46.00 per unit. Community colleges are going the way of supply and demand and charging for it!!!

Community college were created to provide affordable education, in particular for minority students… education has been getting more and more expense, if this pilot program is deemed a success the cost of education will only be available to the RICH!!!
