Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyA Tezzy Letter to Santa:

Dear Santa this year I want….

For San Ysidro school district several ‘how to’ books: how to buy solar panels, how to negotiate, how to accept money from contractors, how to avoid nepotisms…

For Sweetwater High School District board members… this list is so long… let’s start with a refresher course on how to fill out campaign disclosure forms, especially when accepting gifts… A sympathetic judge who won’t sentence them to jail, lastly the common sense to not run for office ever again….

For Mary Salas who is running for mayor… a great story to distance herself from her best friend ex-mayor Bob Filner who stood with at her swearing in ceremony as city council person.

For ex-mayor Bob Filner the gift of time… the sooner he can put this year behind him…

For Steve Padilla ex-mayor of Chula Vista who is now running for city council, a magic wand to wish away all the bad memories from his term as mayor, such as the body guard fiasco…

For former mayor of Chula Vista Shirley Horton who is thinking of running for mayor, gumption… the gumption to make a decision on weather or not she is running.

For all those Latino elected leaders who endorsed Nathan Fletcher, courage… the courage to stand on their own two feet…

For Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez a better political barometer, she blew it with her undying support for Nathan Fletcher, who had been totally anti-Hispanic… could put her quest to become the next Speaker in jeopardy… quien sabe…

To our amiga Gracia Molina de Pick the gift of good health in 2014.

To our friend Herman Baca a frige full of cold beer…

To mayoral candidate David Alvarez a new pair of boots and a flak jacket… starting Jan 2 you can count on Falucner to start the mud slinging now that he has Alvarez in his sight.

Gift number 2 for Alvarez… the compassion in dealing with all those Hispanic democrats who supported Fletcher in the first place.
