Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyWhen it comes to Presidential cabinet appointments it seems that Hispanics are stuck in a rut… it is either Labor Secretary or Small Business Administrator as it was announced this week that Maria Contreras Sweet would hold this post. The first and last really high ranking appointment was when President Bush (a republican) appointed Alberto Gonzales, to become the first Hispanic to hold one of the powerful “big four” Cabinet jobs, Attorney General.

Politics can be weird. In New York one city council candidate who lost to the incumbent, not once but three times, claims in a lawsuit that she lost the last election due to a hex put on her by the councilmember. As the story goes the council member commissioned a mural for her district and the disgruntled loser stated that the mural was a form of Santeria used to hex her…

Maria Conchita Alonso the actress found herself in hot water this past week when she appeared in a YouTube commercial with racist Tim Donnelly, of Minuetman fame and candidate for governor of California. Maria’s depiction, she was with her Chihuahua, was described as so bad it’s almost laughable. Hispanics said it was insulting. The fall out was that Conchita Alonso quit her play in San Francisco due to all the bad publicity. If you want to see the ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_vLWXC6kj0&feature=youtu.be

Sweetwater High School district just can’t seem to do the right thing, even when the right thing is starring them in the face. The board has 24 days left to fill the seat vacated by Arlie Ricasa. There is less than a year left in her term but the board has bulked so far on the appointment process. Failure to appointment would mean an election which would cost the district more than a million dollars. That elected candidated would then serve out the remaining 6 months and have to run for relection all over again… Que lastima talk about dysfunctional!!!

Looks like DA Bonnie Dumanis spoke too soon when she called the South Bay scandal the largest corruption case in San Diego history… Dumanis finds herself hip deep in a scandal of her own… donations received for her past campaign for mayor is, alleged, received illegally, hundreds of thousands of dollars from a foreign national. Kind of makes the nickels and dimes the school board members received, free meals and tickets to ball games, minor league compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars received by Dumanis…

Also caught up in the illicit campaign donation case is Marco Cortes and longtime South Bay politico… the big question now is Juan Vargas the unidentified federal candidate???
