Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyNational Council of La Raza declares Obama “the deporter-in-chief” and demand that he take unilateral action to stop deportations… so the press release goes. Well about time, but too late… this was a known fact before the last election and that was when this statement should have come out. To come out after the election is insignificant. And NCLR calls themselves progressive… not!!!

Cox Communications cutting 500 jobs…. Say what, with all the money they charge for their services there should be no reason to cut jobs…on a side note el jefe had to call for service and got hooked up with some fellow, who was working out of his home, in Colorado, nice guy who helped him out…. why can’t those jobs go to local Cox employees???? Just saying!!!

Not exactly breaking news but it looks like Shirley Horton is done with politics and will not be running for mayor of Chula Vista… que lastima… doesn’t leave Chula Vistians with much choice… Mary Salas and Jerry Rindone??? Here’s hoping someone of substance steps up…

So far the Chula Vista city council race has Steve Padilla, ex-mayor, John McCann, current school board member of a district that is a colossal mess and ex-council member, and David Gonzalez, board member of the Otay Water Board and hand picked by Jamie Bonilla which is not exactly a positive…. His other claim to fame is his famous baseball playing brother Adrian Gonzalez, that is a positive…

Wow!!! Newly elected mayor Kevin Faulconer is breaking all kinds of stereotypes; first he held his inauguration at the Jacobs Center, which is in the middle of district 4, not your typical hang out for white republicans and in his first week, as mayor, is visiting the mayor of Tijuana…

…and before taking over as mayor Faulconer announced his transition team which included Democrat Blanca Lopez Brown, who we believe supported David Alvarez and Barbara Ybarra, granddaughter of Cesar Chavez, a democrat, and a Faulconer supporter. Faulconer had 30 diverse members of the community as a part of his team, but it included many of the old guard Republicans, including Chula Vistan Dan Hom, that guy just keeping showing up as a mover and shaker despite the bad press…

David Alvarez campaigned on issues such as safe bike paths and all that work paid off this week when San Diego city council approved the City’s first-ever Bicycle Advisory Committee.

Remember Hazelton the first city that tried to penalize anyone who hired or rented housing to undocumented immigrants only to have it struck down by the courts??? That was eight years ago and back then the mayor vowed to fight the court rulling all the way to the Supreme Court. Well eight years later and after spending half million dollars, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case this past Monday. The City of Escondido tried the same thing penalizing folks who rented to immigrants, with the same result as Hazelton. Mayor Sam Abed also vowed to fight the case all the way to the Supreme Court, luckly for the city, cooler heads prevailed and they saved themselves a whole bunch of money. So dies the effort of local cities to establish their own immigration laws…
