Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyIn honor of El Día de los Niños, UNICEF came out with a report that the majority of the children in Mexico live in poverty, hell this one has to fall under DUHHH!!! Mexico is a Third World country. The average income in Mexico is $12,000 compared to $44,000 for the U.S. What did UNICEF expect to find when they started their research????

An interesting outcome from the movie about Cesar Chavez is that it has opened up a whole new discussion on the iconic leader and much of it is not that good.

Even Eva Longoria takes a swipe at the legacy of Chavez in her new film, as producer, “Food Chains” documentary, stating that the achievements of Chavez and the UFW have been dismantled. She goes on to state that the farmworkers rights are going BACKWARDS!

Jim Cartmill and Bertha Lopez, should follow the lead of Yolanda Hernandez of the San Ysidro school board who, after her sentencing Tuesday (community service and probation), decided the right thing to do was step down from her elected position.

There is still much confusion as to the law allowing guilt board members the ability to serve out their terms. The judge in all these cases, Judge Ana Espana, allowed Hernandez to stay in office….

The word is that both Cartmill and Lopez will try and keep their position on the board… we shall see!

Sweetwater’s 3 member board comes back to bite the community in the ass. It is being reported that the petition for district elections did not get the support of the Sweetwater board. The vote was 2-1, with John McCann voting against, but it needed 3 votes of support to pass… the next question is where does this leave the issue???

Poor Pearl Quinones, school board member, really got it hard from the judge. The one person who could least afforded it got hit pretty hard with a hefty fine, and 90 days house arrest. Everybody else is walking around free… que lastima.

Pearl should talk with Luis Natividad about having a fundraiser. Old Luis has had several the past few years to cover everything from broken down garage doors to helping paying for his doctor bills…
