Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyInteresting isn’t it, that the new sworn in board of trustees for Sweetwater are ALL WHITE!!! In a district that at least 60% Hispanic (if not more) you would think they would have found it prudent to appoint at least one Hispanic representative….. But Noooo… guess they couldn’t fine one qualified person????

So some Hispanic politician in Arizona changed his name to Cesar Chavez in order to boost his chances at getting elected… this politician is clueless, this is Arizona one of the most xenophobic states out there!!! If the guy really wanted to get elected he should have changed his name to John Smith.

Arizona is one of the most xenophobic states out there because Hispanics don’t get out and vote!!! Remember this is the state with Gov Brewer who wagged her finger at President Obama because he was interfering with that states tough anti-immigrant stance, the home of Sheriff Arpaio, the list of abuses by his office is too long to list but check it out on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arpaio, the state that wanted to give the police the ability to stop you can check your legal status based soley on your skin color….

Last note on the Chavez name: A family member of the real Cesar Chavez has sued the politician for using the name and corrupting the process!!

Speaking of corruption guess who in 2007 said: “The people have the right to expect that their public officials will not privately and illegally benefit from their public positions and from the public treasury” If you guessed DA Bonnie Dumanis you would be right… this statement was made when she introduced the first ever Public Integrity Unit to investigate and scrutinize politicians. Of course this unit was a bitter disappointment and was later disbanded, but now is the time to revive it and the first person on their hit list should be the DA herself… don’t you think?

Oh well not much we can do about Dumanis now, the time to do something was on June 3rd and vote her out or at least put her into a runoff, but alas the Hispanic community sat on their hands and she won in a landslide…. No one to blame but ourselves….

Republican and House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, lost his primary election to an unknown Tea Partier… que lastima, everyone is now saying immigration reform is officially dead, Cantor was supposedly a moderate voice on immigration in the Republican Party… hell immigration reform has been dead for a long time but the activist keep trying to beat it back to life… plus it is no longer about immigration reform anyway, now it is all about border security…

The Cantor loss is another lession that all politics is local… Cantor, who was a rising star forgot about that and spent much of his time on national issues and boosting this own political career, instead of listening to the folks back home, by the time he did it was too late.
