The Public Forum . . . El Foro Público

Questions asked, now waiting for the answers!

For myself I am happy to see 2009 go. My hopes are high for 2010 – an improving economy with lots of jobs for all. My wishes on the local level are more mundane but are urgently felt. When is someone going to tell us the outcome of the $100,000 being spent to sift through the 83 charges of wrongdoing by Councilman Castaneda? When Angel Castillo first surfaced he was purported to be a police investigator – just a citizen looking out for his community. Oops! That wasn’t quite right. He was a prison guard who took disability at age 39 and he and Castaneda had tangled over a condo Home Owner’s Association issue about some trees in the past. I am hearing some interesting rumors of who may be behind this latest caper so I hope that comes out as well. Mr/ Castillo has strangely become very media shy.

I remember when our campaign ordinance was rewritten a few years ago led by Cheryl Cox, John Moot and Patty Davis. If you were to check the records I think at least one Councilman warned that all the changes would do was to enrich the lawyers when unscrupulous people indulged in slash and burn politics. Sadly, Chula Vista doesn’t have $100,000 to spend on those lawyers right now but no matter because that is what is happening.  

Another question I want answered  is why Southbay Expressway (TOLL ROAD) is generously donating money to Mayor Cheryl Cox for her pet projects in spite of their dire financial plight? I think they gave $30,000 to her Endow Chula Vista fund and recently helped underwrite her Leadership Academy. I have been unable to learn the amount  nor what it was spent for yet even though I requested it December 1. I think they also have a $10,000,000 lawsuit against the city. There must be conflict of interest in here somewhere? 

Susan Watry
Chula Vista 

Immigrants being exploited should outrage community.

   I strongly object to the use of tax dollars by a publicly funded agency to raid encampments in North County at any time of the year. But to consider doing it during the holidays is beyond outrageous. Why are people not outraged that our immigrant brothers and sisters are being forced to live outdoors because they are being exploited by US citizen employers who want their services but expect them to disappear at the end of the day?

Rosemary Johnston, Director
Interfaith Shelter Network
