The Public Forum . . . El Foro Público

Veteran’s Memorial destroyed, needs repair

In the heart of Bonita, between the Library and Museum, terrorists destroyed and desecrated the Veterans’ Memorial over the Christmas holiday. Under the cover of darkness, with nothing productive to do with their time, the cowards stole an American flag dedicated to honor our veteran heroes, both living and deceased. As citizens of this great country, we need to be vigilant and open our eyes to what is happening right here in our own community. Even with the Safety Center located right next door to where this evil act took place, it did not deter the hooligans from committing the unconscionable deed. As a veteran and member of the Bonita community I believe it is time for us to come together and prevent this from occurring again. We need to repair the memorial to its previous and proper state in our community and protect it from any future acts of hatred.

Tom Pocklington

Bye, Bye $100,000

I don’t know whether to laugh  or cry. I have been waiting for six weeks to hear more about all those charges filed against Councilman Castaneda by Angel Castillo back in November. I heard a brief reference to it on Channel 10 this week when they were lamenting that Castaneda may have cheated somewhere sometime by taking $14,000 more than he was supposed to from certain people. HORRORS! Not a word about the $100,000 this caper is costing the taxpayers of Chula Vista.

The “outside attorney hired to look into the allegations said yesterday she has verified that proper procedures were followed in filing the complaint and will now analyse the merits of the case.” She also verified that Mr. Castillo is a Chula Vista resident. (We have known that since November.) “Now that the Los Angeles attorney has checked those details, she will delve into the allegations.”

“It’s pretty complex,” Julia Sylva said yesterday without citing specifics. “I’m going to need at least a month.”  BYE BYE  $100,000!

So here I am left to wait at least another month to find out how Mr. Castillo can file 83 charges without ever having made a public records request for Castaneda’s campaign statements or for any other public documents on file with the city.

I love a mystery! Who fed him all the necessary campaign records and why? Who is Jenn Anderson who did request  at least some public record requests on Castaneda? If you have a clue call me. I’m in the white pages.

Susan Watry
Chula Vista
