The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Redistricting being manipulated by a few

   If you attended the [re-districting] meeting last night (April 19) at the Malcolm X Library – tell me, was not the behavior of those holding political and economic power in City Council District 4 not illustrative of institutionalized racism?

   Was not the super-majority of those in attendance representational of the group that is about 1/2 the size of the Latino Population in City Council District 4? Did not the super-majority of that vastly over-represented group make nasty, mean, attacking statements/expression, saying things intended to force political power to remain focused in their own hands alone, hands that have long held a disproportion and repressive to the Latino level of influence over SEDC and City Council District 4 elected officials? Where not the majority of what very few Latinos who dared to face such verbal attacks in public (made by those who have long held power in City Council District 4) not speaking more often than not of community unity and inclusion at levels reflective of our populations? And, where is the political leadership of our communities, why have they allowed such a condition of repression to remain in place and unchallenged for so many years?

   And where are the elected citizen representatives, why have they all seemingly ‘stood idly by’ for so many years – supporting such conditions of exclusion and oppression by not actively correcting, at the very least, the representation and rates of inclusion on the boards and committees with memberships/community representatives over which he himself hold influence if not control.

Gregory Morales
San Diego


Praise in the handling of the credit card issue at Sweewater

   I have been following your news coverage on Sweetwater Union High School District over the past month, especially the recent story about Superintendent Jesus Gandara’s district credit card. As a Montgomery High School graduate, I want to personally recognize the district trustees and the superintendent for their accountability, ownership of recent mistakes and transparency in regards to this issue. Throughout this process they have been open to public criticism and have responded professionally.

   Secondly, the superintendent’s outreach efforts should not be taken for granted. As a local businessperson, I understand the importance of maintaining these relationships and how they are certainly essential to effectively running the district. Any school district needs to nourish support of its political and community leaders, of which Jesus Gandara has been masterful.

   This district and its leaders aren’t perfect, but they are unquestionably bringing positive results to SUHSD.

A graduate of Montgomery High School, a South County resident and a supporter of Sweetwater Union High School District,

Ken Hall
