The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

Who is going to tell our story?

   Do you remember the movie Stand and Deliver? In this movie based on a true story, Jaime Escalante challenges his students to a higher level of achievement. He teaches them to reject society’s expectations of failure. And when they actually achieve a miracle through hard work, the inevitable happens. They are accused of cheating! There is no proof, just an assumption that Mexican minorities can’t possibly score this high. Escalante believed that his students’ intelligence was doubted because of their  racial and economic status.

   The same thing is happening in National City today! Granger, National City Middle and Sweetwater High have improved tremendously. All our students are working hard and thriving. All you have to do is visit any one of our schools to see the transformation . Unfortunately,  the Union Tribune published an article on September 4th insinuating that Sweetwater could have cheated (Mid-Testing Classes Aided Sweetwater Gains). There was no proof that Sweetwater cheated, but one anonymous tip was enough for them to smear the reputation of students and teachers, who in my opinion are moving mountains. The UT’s “Watchdog” article was racist and the reporting was lazy. Who is watching over the UT? The Mayor and Chief of Police of National City believe in us. They have told us that our program is changing a community. One of the most notorious gangs no longer exists because they have fewer students to recruit. Our schools should be celebrated not demeaned.  Who will tell our story?

Maria Elena Galleher
Teacher at Granger Junior High School, National City
