The Public Forum … El Foro Público…

DA’s office needs to get their priorities in orders

I am sure that Bonnie Dumanis and the D.A.’s office have their priorities. Remember Diana Gonzalez, the young Latina who was beaten and raped by her estranged husband? Because the D.A.’s office failed to file CRIMINAL charges against this monster, he eventually killed Diana when she was leaving her evening math class at City College. It’s been more than one year since this tragedy occured and the killer is still on the loose!

So now the D.A.’s office has more then enough time to raid the homes of three prominent women that have served the Southbay for two decades.These board members (Ms. Quinones, Ms. Ricsa, Ms.Lopez) were elected by landside margins in the most recent elections. They have received recognition at the local, state and national levels from many organizations for their work in education. Bottom line SHUSD students excelling and improviing each year in their academics.

Two of these board members are up for relection next November. There are two “other” Sweetwater board members that didn’t raid, are they that clean? This is an attack on women of color and I hope everyone remembers this when we vote for our next mayor. I will. In the mean time, the killer of Diana Gonzalez is walking around our streets. Priorities (Please).

Ralph Sanchez
City Heights 

Today’s (Dec. 29) ruling is a victory for California taxpayers and private property rights. For far too long, California taxpayers have financed obscure government agencies that use taxpayer dollars and their power of eminent domain to benefit politically connected developers. During these tough economic times, developers should not be on the public dole while police officers and teachers are getting pink slips.

According to the independent State Legislative Analyst, California taxpayers fund redevelopment to the tune of over $5 billion a year without any reliable evidence that they create new jobs. The Alliance submitted an Amicus brief to the California State Supreme Court defending AB1X-26 and challenging the Constitutionality of AB1X-27. For additional information on our efforts to abolish RDAs, visit

Marko Mlikotin
The California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights 
