The Public Forum … El Foro Publico

Encanto supports a two year foreclosure moratorium

The foreclosure crisis has and continues to reap its devastating effects on working class neighborhoods and private single family home ownership in San Diego, California, and all across our nation. Foreclosures on single family homes has already removed some 3.2 trillion dollars of value from the hands of working class families in our nation, and it is estimated that as many as one million more ‘foreclosures’ by the end of this year.

As we presented to the city council in 2005, the single family home is the back bone of small business in San Diego. In rough times equity stored in the homes acted as a source of support, in better times wealthy was returned and stored into our homes – a self-sourced value added investment into our small business and the communities that depend upon them. But, now, as the foreclosure disease spreads across our socio-economic community bodies, the future removal of wealth and values from working class families will exasperate the economic hardships being felt by all workers. Worse, as homes (and our working-class families) continue to suffer the destructive effects of foreclosures, the economic and social energy will radiate outwards having a long term and lasting negative negative socio-economic affect, from which some 70% of our population may never recover.

The Encanto Neighborhoods Community Planning Group has passed a motion to support the instillation of a two year foreclosure moratorium by our elected political representatives. The southeastern community planning group passed a motion to investigate other options in stay the foreclosure problems in that representational field. It may be nice if the CPI consider supporting the working class communities who have long been supportive of the putting into place foreclosure moratorium on all family homes in the City of San Diego.

Gregory Morales
Chair – Encanto Neighborhoods Community Planning Group

Bensoussan is a great disappointment

Four years ago we supported Pamela Bensoussan for Council in as many ways as we could. But that was “then,” and this is “now.” Looking at her first campaign financial filings for re-election, it is painfully obvious that her support has changed from grass-roots support to support by special-interests, particularly developers and mobilhome park owners.

One of her greatest “sins” was when she caused $200,000 of city money to be spent on a lawyer to help David Malcolm, in secret, persuade the city to take on the responsibility of removing and cleaning up the old South Bay power plant.

Pamela Bensoussan has been a great disappointment to us. We are truly sorry that we urged others to support her four years ago. We are not making that mistake this time.

Susan and Peter Watry
Chula Vista

