US-Mexico Chamber CEO Speaks in San Diego

<p><a href="… loading="lazy" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-42196" src="…; alt="" width="214" height="300" srcset="… 214w,… 731w,… 1500w" sizes="(max-width: 214px) 100vw, 214px"></a></p>
<p>On&nbsp;Thursday, Sept. 7,&nbsp;Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), spoke on&nbsp;the critical importance of the commercial and economic relationship between Mexico and the United States and on the economic impact of Hispanic entrepreneurs in the United States.</p>
<p>Palomarez, one of the nation’s top Hispanic business advocates, resigned last week from President Donald Trump’s National Diversity Coalition in protest of the President’s elimination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA).&nbsp; He will speak at&nbsp;5:00 p.m.&nbsp;at the University of San Diego’s Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice Theater.</p>
<p>The USHCC represents 4.2 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the U.S. that together contribute more than $668 billion to the nation’s economy every year.&nbsp; The USHCC also advocates on behalf of 260 major American corporations through a network of more than 200 local chambers of commerce and business associations.</p>
<p>“Small business is the economic engine that drives the American economy, creating two-thirds of all new jobs nationwide. Hispanic entrepreneurs in particular are launching businesses at a pace more than double the national average,” said Palomarez. &nbsp;“At the same time, the importance of the relationship with Mexico to small business cannot be overstated. Of American companies that export, 98 percent are small and mid-sized businesses that account for a significant portion of the $1.5 billion in cross border trade every day.”</p>
<p>The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce (HISCEC) hosted Palomarez’s visit.</p>
<p>“HISCEC is pleased to host this visit by Mr. Palomarez, one of the nation’s most important Hispanic small business and U.S.-Mexico leaders,” said&nbsp;Tayde Aburto, President and CEO of HISCEC. &nbsp;“In the San Diego region, the entrepreneurship rate among Hispanics exceeds that of the region as a whole.”</p>
<p>“HISCEC and the USHCC give voice to the importance of Hispanic businesses to the regional and the national economy,” Aburto added.</p>
<p>HISCEC is a 1,100 member, San Diego-based business&nbsp;organization with a network of over 16,000 business owners and professionals.&nbsp; HISCEC has active chapters in Florida and Washington State, and strategic partners in both the United States and Mexico.</p>

Susana Villegas