US State Department Recognizes Technological University of Tijuana

<p>The United States Department of State, along with Partners of the Americas and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, announced the winners of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund and a technical university south of the border has been named among the recipients of this important recognition.<br>
The Technological University of Tijuana, or Universidad Tecnologica de Tijuana (UTT), has earned this distinction through its extensive collaborations with Southwestern College, a strategic partner on the American side of the border.<br>
The 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund Award is an education initiative boosted by President Barack Obama. This initiative aims to increase the number of United States students studying abroad across the western hemisphere to reach 100,000 as well as raising the number of international students from the western hemisphere in the U.S. by the same number by the year 2020.&nbsp; This exchange was designed to increase competitiveness, potential prosperity and a competent workforce across the American hemisphere.<br>
The two regional learning institutions, in conjunction with the United States General Consulate in Tijuana, The Mexican General Consulate in San Diego, and the productive sector of the San Diego-Tijuana region, have developed a study abroad model which allows students from both universities to fulfill three academic and professional goals. Students participating through these colleges will: first, attend a part of their curricular courses at the partner university without having to stay during a complete period abroad;&nbsp; second, take courses specific to the partner university’s program without conflicting with the attendance to mandatory courses at their home university, thus giving them the opportunity to obtain a double degree; and lastly, do a binational internship in one of the supporting companies, under the condition of having attended the required courses at both universities.<br>
Benefits of this naming for both universities include providing an affordable study abroad option and creating opportunities for community college students to participate in 100,000 Strong.<br>
In its pilot phase, 30 UTT and Southwestern College students will study abroad at their partner universities on the opposite side of the border.<br>
An official announcement by UTT covering the study abroad program will be celebrated at their Tijuana campus on November 22 during the university’s International Week inauguration.</p>

Mario A. Cortez