Veteran Support Groups Join Forces to Feed the USO Airport Facility Troops

USO volunteers and members of the military gather together for a group photo.
USO volunteers and members of the military gather together for a group photo.

On Tuesday – November 5, 2013, several hundred active duty military men and women were pleasantly surprised to be treated to a special luncheon at the new U.S.O. San Diego Airport Facility located at the Terminal 2 area.

Mr. Fernando Arroyo, Sr, Event Chairman for the Fraternal Order of Eagles – Aerie 244 , hosted and joined forces with selected members of Veterans of Foreign Wars – Don Diego Post 7420 (Kenny Martinez, Michael Brown, Jaime Yancey, Ruben Rivera, Wolfgang Rodriguez, Frank Peralta and Cleo Thompson, Jr.) to raise funds and large quantities of donated food items to support this very worthy luncheon event. The Fraternal Order of Eagles has decided to make this an annual luncheon event at the USO Airport Facility.

The U.S.O Airport Facility can always use financial donations, cases of bottles water, cases of sodas, cookies and potato chip snack packs, candy bars, etc. Mr. Bobby Woods is the USO Facility Director who is a retired Sergeant Major with the United States Marine Corps.

The newly-opened USO San Diego Airport Facility is operates 365 days a year and consists of 10,000 square
footage facility space. This site provides various supportive services to about 125,000 active duty U.S. military troops and their families annually. The USO Airport Facility is designed to provide a safe haven for recruits fresh out of boot camp heading to their first duty station or heading home on a temporary leave pass.

Many troops may have limited financial resources that the USO San Diego works to provide through on-going financial and in-kind donations year round. Should any local organization or individual wish to support the San Diego USO Airport Facility, please feel free to contact the Facility directly at (619) 296 – 3192.