Victor Viesca the energizer bunny of Olympian wrestling

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<p>&nbsp;The high school wrestling season won’t began again until November, but that is no excuse for Olympian High’s two-time Masters wrestler, Victor Viesca to start goofing off. Instead you will find Viesca most Tuesday’s working out on the weights, on the mat or both.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“Victor Viesca is a complete wrestler. He has great technique and a lot of strength in his legs. His team management skills make him a good leader as well. He is very quiet, but everyone on this team respects him. Victor does a lot of coaching with the guys on the J.V. team and they all look up to him,” according to team coach Aramis Vera.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The secret of Viesca’s success on the mat lies in his endurance.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“Victor never stops. He just keeps going and going and going. He wears his opponents down and gets a lot of decisions that way. Aside from a league banner our goal for next year is to help him become the first CIF wrestling champion in our school’s history,” Vera added.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Both goals seem plausible. Last year the Eagles went 4-2 in South Bay League competition losing to only San Ysidro and Mar Vista. The loss to Mar Vista was by a slim two-point margin, so one would think that Olympian should be in the hunt for a banner this time around. The fact that they will have a senior class for the first time will provide a huge boost. Viesca’s contributions on the mat and in a leadership role may loom large.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Viesca is a relative newcomer to the sport.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“When I enrolled here I had to choose between soccer and wrestling. I like the contact that wrestling offers so I chose that. My endurance has always been good. Growing up I was never much of a sprinter, but I could always outlast everyone. I have always had endurance on my side and that really helps in wrestling. My mom and dad were both athletic and liked long distance running so maybe it comes from them,” he offered.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Viesca posted an impressive 28-7 record last year and he was only pinned twice. He took first place in the league’s 152 lbs weight class and took second place in the Metro Conference. This year he hopes to do even better.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“I don’t want to accept losing in any way and I am not going to, so I plan to take first in every tournament that I participate in.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;If he is successful in his quest for a CIF title he may be able to land a college wrestling scholarship.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“I want to wrestle in college. I am really looking forward to it. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing some scholarship offers. Fresno has both a good engineering program and a good wrestling team. (Academically) I am not much of an English or history person. I am much better in math and sciences.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;Viesca has family on both sides of the border rooting him.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“My mom grew up in Tijuana. I was born here, but I grew up speaking only Spanish until I started school. Almost all of my mother’s family lives down there and we visit them every once in a while.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;After years of living in this country Viesca doesn’t speak Spanish as well as he once did, but he understands virtually everything. He enjoys visiting his grandmother. In her house everything is in Spanish.</p>
<p>&nbsp;While wrestling has captured his heart, Viesca intends to continue playing football and lacrosse for the Eagles. No doubt his football training which begins in earnest in a few weeks will leave him in good shape to start wrestling.</p>

John P. Wyllie