Vivian Moreno Doubles Down on Qualifications for D8 Seat

<p> </p><figure id="attachment_48532" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-48532" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright"><img loading="lazy" src="…; alt="" width="300" height="200" class="size-medium wp-image-48532" srcset="… 300w,… 640w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"><figcaption id="caption-attachment-48532" class="wp-caption-text">Vivian Moreno (Photo / Courtesy of Vivian Moreno)</figcaption></figure><p></p>
<p>With less than two weeks before the 2018 Midterm Elections, San Diego City Council candidate Vivian Moreno is still hard at work meeting her constituents and getting the word out about what makes her the best fit for District 8 councilmember. </p>
<p>In a conversation with La Prensa San Diego this week, Moreno took the opportunity to share her qualifications with our editorial board and talk about what she has accomplished working along with current District 8 representative David Alvarez. </p>
<p>“What we have brought to District 8 communities has been amazing, we brought the first new library in San Ysidro in over 100 years, we just opened up the only new parks in 30 years like Cesar Solis Park and these are things that our communities haven’t ever seen,” Moreno said. </p>
<p>These accomplishments as part of outgoing councilmember Alvarez’s staff are just the tip of the iceberg, as she has been an advisor to Alvarez on quality of life issues such as the creation of affordable housing, mass transit improvements, and opening up more public spaces.</p>
<p>Moreno has also overseen two budget cycles, acted as a director of binational affairs, was part of a team that brought the first community planning group to Barrio Logan, and has been a liaison for the communities of Nestor and Otay Mesa so that these communities are heard by their council representative, which is a part of the job she loves and takes great pride in. </p>
<p>“My favorite part of my position is representing the community and that is just something that we need more of, representation by people who look like their community” Moreno said. </p>
<p>Moreno also shared her time serving on the Borderview YMCA’s board of directors and involvement with Latina empowerment organization MANA de San Diego, and its Hermanitas program, as something that brings her closer to the community outside of the political arena. </p>
<p>With only a few days until the Midterm elections, Moreno wants to make it clear she is the clear choice over her opponent, embattled San Ysidro Schools trustee Antonio Martinez, to head San Diego’s Eighth District.</p>
<p>“My experience sets me apart; I have worked in this district for eight years, I was born and raised in the South Bay, I come from a family of very hard workers, and my family is like any other in the district,” Moreno confidently stated.</p>
<p>“I think that (Martinez and I) are night and day and I’ll put my track record up against his any day of the week,” Moreno closed. </p>
<p>District 8 includes the communities of Barrio Logan, Egger Highlands, Grant Hill, Logan Heights, Memorial, Nestor, Ocean View Hills, Otay Mesa East, Otay Mesa West, San Ysidro, Shelltown, Sherman Heights, Stockton, and the Tijuana River Valley.</p>

Mario A. Cortez