Voter unrest registered this past Tuesday


Barack Obama was elected President based on his promise to bring about change to the country. His youthful energy, use of the social media, his ideas, and the hope that he represented energized the country. The young voters, the disenfranchised, Blacks, Hispanics, Unions, the Democratic Party and those looking for a change from the disaster left behind from the Bush Presidency came out in force and elected Obama.

   That was two years ago. All the energy, the enthusiasm, and more importantly the glimmer of hope is gone.

   We do not want to diminish the importance of a universal health care program, which in our opinion is one of the top issues and promise that drove the voters to the polls two years ago, but jobs drove voters to the polls in this election. In private sector job growth, the Obama administration has been a dismal failure. Employment opportunities and the economy are no better today than they were two years ago. And small businesses are either failing in record numbers or holding on by their fingernails.

   As voters watched the Obama administration working overtime to bail out big banks and to save the auto industry, unemployment numbers continued to climb. If it hadn’t been for the massive hiring during the census period it would have been much worse. The unemployed and under-employed don’t have the time or the luxury to wait for change. They need jobs today! Looking down the road, there is not much Hope on the horizon.

   The voters wanted change and they didn’t get it. So, once again, they voted for change. The question now is, does Obama get it? Does voter unrest register with the Obama administration? If not Obama may not get a second term.
