Web tools and Workshops Engage residents in Shaping the 2050 Regional Transportation plan

   To promote public input on the Draft 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (2050 RTP), a long-range blueprint for transportation improvements, SANDAG has developed an interactive Web site and will host a series of public hearings and workshops.

   For a quick, visual tour of how the draft plan will affect the region over the next 40 years and an opportunity to provide comments, the public is invited to visit www.Envision2050sd.com.

   On the Envision 2050 Web site, visitors can see how an estimated $196.2 billion will be invested over the next 40 years on transit routes, increased transit frequency, expanded freeways, new toll lanes and roads, carpool and vanpool incentives, and much more.

   On the Web site’s Priorities Page, visitors can pick five of 14 lifestyle values that matter the most to them and get a vivid sense of how those values are addressed by the draft plan.

   In addition to the Web tools, SANDAG will host seven public workshops/hearings in June throughout San Diego County to engage the public in shaping the 2050 RTP. At the workshops, people will be invited to comment on the Draft 2050 RTP and related documents, including the Sustainable Communities Strategy, the Regional Housing Needs Assessment, and the Environmental Impact Report.

   The workshops will be held in an open house format allowing people to drop in at any time, view displays and information, ask staff questions, complete comment cards, or speak to an English/Spanish transcriber to have their comments recorded.

   The Draft 2050 RTP looks 40 years ahead to a time when more than 4.4 million people will live in the San Diego region. The plan addresses how we will manage this growth, improve mobility for people and goods, cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce traffic congestion, and preserve and enhance our quality of life.

   The plan envisions massive investments in many areas, including local bus networks, the coastal rail corridor, the Trolley system, regional highways, and bicycling and walking connections.

   There are several ways to submit comments on all elements of the Draft 2050 RTP: online in English or Spanish at www.sandag.org/2050rtp; e-mail to 2050rtp@sandag.org; call (877) 277-5736; fax (619) 699-1905; or by mail to SANDAG, 2050 RTP Comment, 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101.