Whatever happened to “The Buck Stops Here”


It has not been a good few weeks for the Obama administration with the investigation into the Benghazi fiasco. Now, this week, the news is that the IRS has been conducting special investigations into conservative groups with “Tea Party” or “patriot” in their name. Even more troubling then that was the revelation of the Justice Depart-ment’s phone search of the Associated Press.

Throughout these scandals, President Obama has deflected all responsibility. We have been left wondering whatever happened to “The Buck Stops Here.” What we have seen instead has been a passing of the buck, as the President looks to deflect responsibility.

The IRS scandal has roots in the fact that the 501(c)(4) nonprofit loophole has allowed organizations to collect money, not indentify donors, and not pay any taxes, as they play politics. As a “social-welfare” group the intent was that they were not allowed to play politics. Due to loose interpretations and recent court cases, the Citizens United case, the one where the Supreme Court stated that corporations are citizens, non-profit, “social-welfare” groups have abused this newfound freedom by pouring millions into political campaigns.

This loophole needs to be addressed. However, to target only certain groups smacks of big brother coming down on those who disagree with their way of thinking. If this is not dealt with decisively then tomorrow it could be someone else, even you!

The IRS is scary enough. We don’t need this agency out intimidating us more than they already do.

The more profound issue of the week was the report that the Justice Department is investigating and has seized AP records of calls made on phone lines at the New York, Washington and Hartford bureaus, Associated Press’s phone in the House of Representatives, and the personal phones of at least two AP journalists.

These actions were taken in the name of discovering who “leaked” information about a May 2012 story uncovering a CIA operation in Yemen that involved an Al Qaeda plot to blow up a U.S.-bound airplane. This story had been cleared by the government prior to publication.

The Justice Department sweep of the phone records covered a two-month period revealing names of everyone that communicated with reporters during that time.

This is a direct attack on the Freedom of the Press. This freedom ensures that the press maintains its ability to hold the government accountable for its actions, as well as provided the transparency that is desperately needed. The press is the Fourth Estate of government and is a crucial part of the checks and balances that ensures our Democracy.

What has been disappointing about both stories is the absence of President Obama in all of this. He has deflected responsibility. In responding to the AP phone investigation, Obama sent out his press secretary address the issue. In regards to the tax story, he brushed it off by stating he didn’t know anything more than what he saw in the news….

Obama’s reaction has caused many in the media to associate Obama with “Tricky Dick” President Nixon and to Watergate. Without President Obama taking full responsibility and handling these issues firmly we have no choice but to agree with this characterization.
