Wheels Turn for a Good Cause

Bikes for Kids Foundation delivers 400 bicycles for needy students 

Anyone who has ever attempted to assemble a new bicycle from parts in a box will appreciate the enormity of the challenge employees of the Chula Vista Elementary School District are about to undertake.

They plan to assemble 400 bicycles. In one afternoon.

It’s all part of the “Bikes for Kids Foundation,” a San Diego-based non-profit, with the shiny new bikes going to needy third-grade students in the District.

For some children, the bicycle may be the only gift they receive, according to Nancy Kerwin, the District’s Executive Director for Student, Family and Community Services. “It’s a very special way to bring joy to our students,” she said.

And how many people does it take to pull off this seemingly impossible task?

Dozens of District employees and others have shown up in prior years to transform the boxes of parts into glistening rides. Volunteers are asked to bring socket wrenches—open-end or box—in sizes of ½”, 5/8”, and 9/16”.

So you don’t own socket wrenches?

Not a problem, says Kerwin, as there are spare wrenches available as well as jobs that don’t require these tools.

If you would like to kick off your holiday season by helping with this project, Kerwin invites you to show up at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4. Assembly will take place in the mini-warehouse at the District’s Education Service and Support Center, 84 East J Street, Chula Vista.

Because of the increased number of bikes (up from the 250 distributed last year), Kerwin anticipates the work party will last into the early evening. However, volunteers will enjoy “pizza, sodas and fun” while volunteering for a good cause, Kerwin said.

Volunteers are also needed the following day, Saturday, Dec. 5, when the bicycles are distributed to their new owners.

With this year’s bike distribution event, more than 1,000 children in Chula Vista will have received two-wheelers from the foundation over the past four years.
