White House Internship Program Announces Fall 2009 Participants

“I applaud and thank these young men and women for answering the call to service,” said President Obama. “I look forward to working with them, and commend all those who applied for their desire to build a brighter future for our country.”

A White House Internship provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills.

Additional information about the White House Internship Program is available here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/internships/. The application for the Spring 2010 program is now on the website, and the deadline is September 20, 2009.

The White House Internship Program announced today the incoming participants for the fall 2009 session. The program’s mission is to make the “People’s House” accessible to future leaders all around the nation and cultivate and prepare those devoted to public service for future leadership opportunities.