Women to Take to Streets

<p>Thousands of locals are expected to be part of the women’s march in San Diego in solidarity with the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, January 21.<br>
Women, men, and children from different ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and political affiliations will get together at 10 a.m. for this event that will take place a day after the presidential inauguration ceremony for the new president of the United States.<br>
The march was organized in response to the negative climate against women during the presidential election campaign in this country.<br>
The event will start with a meeting in front of the Civic Center Plaza in downtown San Diego.<br>
According to event organizers, after the meeting, demonstrators will proceed along Broadway Street to Harbor Drive. The march will end at the County Administration Building on the Harbor Drive side.<br>
Approximately 300 volunteers are working for Women’s March in San Diego, led by a diverse executive committee. The Facebook page event has over 8,600 people confirmed, and almost 12,000 people interested in attending, with the numbers increasing every day.<br>
Non-profit organizations including Planned Parenthood, National Organization for Women, NextGen, ACLU, and Run Women Run are part of the event.<br>
“Run Women Run has the honor of participating in the San Diego women’s march. California is a place where we respect and protect women’s rights, civil rights, equal pay, and reproductive choice,” Run Women Run president Michelle Burton said. “We will have the opportunity to establish an example for other states in the country. Our mission is to make this possible by electing women to public office to keep our values.”<br>
The women’s march in San Diego is an inclusive and diverse event, open to everybody who agrees with human rights as women rights.<br>
“I want to march so my daughter can see that we join the motion of saving and preserving our rights as women,” said Sabrina Miller, who will be participating. “We have come a long way, but there is still a lot to do, and to fight for. Making our voices heard is the first step.”<br>
Participants from San Diego, Riverside, Imperial County, and other parts of Southern California are expected to be part of this event.</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido