Work on North Coast Corridor Program Begins

<p>Caltrans and SANDAG, along with local and state leaders, kicked off construction on the first phase of the $6 billion, 40-year North Coast Corridor Program to reduce traffic congestion and enhance the environment along the Interstate 5 corridor between Solana Beach and Carlsbad.</p>
<p>“This is an important project to improve the North Coast Corridor,” said SANDAG Executive Director Gary L. Gallegos. “This is a project where we expand the freeway and the rail line capacity at the same time that we improve the tidal flow of the San Elijo Lagoon.”</p>
<p>Known as Build NCC, the first phase of the program is the culmination of more than a decade of collaborative planning efforts by the Caltrans, SANDAG, local cities, resource agencies and community members. This first phase includes $700 million worth of transportation, public access and environmental improvements in the cities of Solana Beach, Encinitas and Carlsbad.</p>
<p>“Today represents an important day for not only the region, but California,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Build NCC provides an example of Caltrans’ commitment to build projects that provide new transportation choices while protecting the environment and livability of adjacent communities. This collaborative effort will serve as a model for future projects in California and beyond.”</p>
<p>Build NCC is an approach to address the growing transportation needs of the region. The first phase lays the foundation for future components of the program and will help address the immediate transportation and environmental needs of the corridor. It will include 14 miles of new carpool lanes on I-5 between Solana Beach and northern Carlsbad to provide congestion relief for high occupancy vehicles, buses, and permitted clean air vehicles. The project also includes 2.25 miles of new double track across the San Elijo and Batiquitos lagoons, expanding the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo rail line’s capacity and minimizing overall travel times.</p>
<p>Build NCC is funded by a combination of local, state and federal resources, including&nbsp;TransNet, the voter approved half-cent sales tax that helps fund transportation projects throughout the region.</p>
<p>“As the region continues to grow, it is critical our leaders look to increase transportation choices that address our future needs, and Build NCC represents just that,” SANDAG Board Chairman Ron Roberts said. “And this is just the beginning. When the full NCC Program is completed, we will have constructed 27 miles of new express lanes and bike and pedestrian paths, double tracked 97 percent of the rail corridor and enhanced and preserved hundreds of acres of our coastal habitat.”</p>
<p>Build NCC also includes a significant investment in San Diego County’s coastal resources, including the restoration of the San Elijo Lagoon and preservation of nearly 200 acres of coastal habitat.</p>
<p>“Protecting and preserving our coastal resources and lagoons is a vital component of the overall NCC Program,” said San Elijo Lagoon Nature Center Executive Director Doug Gibson. “Our coastal lagoons are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna and are enjoyed by thousands on a daily basis. The NCC Program will ensure that these resources can continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.”</p>
<p>The restoration of the San Elijo Lagoon consists on improving the flow of the lagoon with new structures on the highway.</p>
<p>The first phase of the project is expected to be complete by 2021.</p>

Ana Gomez Salcido