LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Pope John Paul II is not a saint, and putting him on the fast track to canonization places the Vatican’s narrow political agenda ahead of the aspirations and spiritual needs of the vast majority of Catholics. To make Karol Wojtyla a saint is to “make holy” the disastrous policies and the programs he imposed on the church for 25 years.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; History was made the other day in Arizona. A Republican-led citizen group turned in a record setting 18,315 signatures to the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office in a recall petition with the infamous Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce targeted for removal from office.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The 18,315 is over double the 7,756 signatures required by law for a recall election.</p>

  Disgruntled with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party some Hispanics have created their own “party”, the Tequila Party… Haven’t heard of it, you will soon enough, the Tequila Party will be going out on tour and may come to a city near you…

<p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; I’m a white girl dating a Mexican from Jalisco that works for my dad. There lies the problem. Dad absolutely dislikes him and totally opposes me dating Ignacio and has been almost rude to him, which I don’t like.</strong></p>