<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reyes Entertainment is one of the most prominent and pioneering Hispanic/Latino driven public relations and marketing groups in the Country. The company, based in LA, was founded by Hispanic/Latino public relations guru, Gabriel Reyes.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In California, local governments are required to study how new development impacts the surrounding environment, and rightly so. Before buildings are put up, the public deserves to know if there will be more traffic impacts, if it will harm wildlife or if there’s a possibility that nearby creeks or beaches will be polluted as a result.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; El desempleo en Estados Unidos aumentó de nuevo el pasado mes hasta el 9.1% y la economía Obama añadió solo 54,000 empleos — la menor cifra en ocho meses. El terrible informe de empleo de la semana pasada, mucho peor de lo esperado. Los economistas que encuesta habían pronosticado sombríamente 160,000 nuevos empleos y una tasa de desempleo del 8.9% a principios de la semana.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>: There are many who give lip service to border security. You may or may not be one of them. You may be an open borders advocate. But for the moment, put on your secure-borders hat and tell us how you would secure the borders if your job depended on its success. Is it possible to secure the borders if we abandon internal enforcement and grant yet another amnesty?</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>Wally Wallbanger</strong></p>