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<p>Do you know how much Hondurans love Mexico? Let’s see.</p>
<p>In El Alamar, one of Tijuana’s poorest neighborhoods, Honduran immigrant Pili Noe Martinez Colindres, from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, suddenly stands out from among the close to 500 Central American immigrants as he pulls out a Mexican flag from his belongings and begins to wave it.</p>

<p>Alma Rosa Sandoval smiles when she recalls coming to the U.S. from Chihuahua, Mexico when she was 23 years old. The mother of three grown children works part time and earns minimum wage caring for older people, but dreams of having her own business.</p>
<p> “It’s always been in me,” she says, adding, “I want to grow as a person. I would like to move forward, find the way to provide for myself because I am a cancer survivor.”</p>

<p>Alma Rosa Sandoval sonríe cuando recuerda haber venido a los Estados Unidos de Chihuahua, México cuando tenía 23 años. La madre de tres hijos adultos trabaja medio tiempo y gana un salario mínimo cuidando personas mayores, pero sueña con tener su propio negocio.</p>
<p>“Siempre ha estado en mí”, dice. “Yo quiero crecer como persona, quisiera seguir adelante, valerme por mi misma porque soy sobreviviente del cáncer”.</p>