<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Reality sometimes comes as a slap awakening the mind forcing a state of awareness. Such was the case when through an exchange of e-mails from a successful aeronautical engineer and community leader who on the surface seemed to be justifiably concerned about illegal immigration, he whopped me with the reality that the issue is not about illegal immigration rather about a growing numbers of certain Hispanics in the U.S.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; If there is a silver lining in California Governor Jerry Brown’s latest budget proposal, it is the recognition that we cannot realign state services down to county and local governments or bridge the state’s almost $26 billion budget deficit without sufficient revenues.</p>

   So what does $1 billion dollars get you when you are trying to build a high-tech fence along the border???? Not much, to be exact 53 miles of border fence. Of course as we said all along, a border fence won’t stop those looking for a better life.