Beverly Hills, CA — Academy Award winner Javier Bardem, who won best supporting actor in 2008 for No County for Old Men, will have a second opportunity this year to take home another Oscar, this time in the Best Actor category for his performance as a low-life seeking reconciliation in his relationships as he faces death in director Alejandro Inirrutis Biutiful. Biutiful also received a nomination for Best Language Foreign Film of the year (Mexicos entry).

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>OAKLAND</strong>—Dozens of homeowners, activists, and leaders gathered at the Alameda County Superior Courthouse steps Thursday, calling on policymakers to act to halt foreclosures. They braved the wind and rain, chanting, “Foreclosure, three-closure, two-closure, none, we won’t stop until justice is done.” One woman carried a sign with an image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that read, “Don’t Foreclose on My Dream.”</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The young man is standing in a small office. He is holding the phone with both hands, his body tense and fingers restless. He is listening to the sounds coming from the phone until he hears the familiar voice.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Hey Irene? Yes. It’s me, yes, I’m fine, I got deported, Yes, I’m fine, I’m in Tijuana….”</p>