Able-Disabled Advocacy helps Veterans find Jobs and More

    Able-Disabled Advocacy (A-DA) has been providing workforce development services for San Diego veterans with and without disabilities since 1976. A-DA’s Vet-WORKS program is funded in full through a $500,000 grant from the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) to serve recently separated veterans and veterans with service connected disabilities. The program is designed to provide customized job related assistance to veterans in their search for meaningful employment at no cost.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Eighty-five years ago on July 24, John Scopes was convicted for teaching evolution in Tennessee. He had violated the recently passed Butler Act, making it illegal “to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals.”</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Latino families have the highest workplace participation rates in the country. In most recent years, they have worked more hours per week than other Americans. Their median family income is higher than that of Black families, but only because they tend to have more adults working in each household. The largest single barrier to getting ahead in America for Latino families is education.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; They used to say the truth shall set you free. These days it might get you fired. Apparently, stumbling onto the truth is a grave offense in the Republican Party. Ask Michael Steele, its chairman.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Después de una dosis de fútbol, de sueño y felicidad, la gente vuelve a la realidad. Para mala suerte, esa realidad todavía está empañada por una economía débil que se resiste a recuperarse, no quiere retomar la vía de la estabilidad y está empecinada a caminar a pasos minúsculos.</p>