El nuevo censo muestra que la población hispana en California ahora supera en número a la población blanca por primera vez en la historia moderna, representando casi el 40% de la población del estado.


<p>Now that Californians are transitioning back into their pre-pandemic recreational activities, a local community of soccer players is back to playing pick-up games throughout San Diego.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Over 50 soccer aficionados of all ages and skill levels gathered at historic Chicano Park for the first time in 18 months to play fast-paced pick up games as cars zoomed above the action on the Coronado Bridge-Interstate 5 exchange lanes.</p>


<p>Chula Vista Central Library patrons have a new reason to stop by their preferred branch this summer.</p>

<p>The City’s primary library branch opened its new 5,000-square-foot deck overlooking adjacent Friendship Park to the north earlier this month.</p>