<p>Yolanda Selene Walther-Meade ha hecho un poco de todo. Ha sido intérprete y ha encabezado festivales de cine, ha promovido programas de salud y a recabado fondos para organizaciones locales e internacionales. Sus intereses no siempre caen bajo una misma categoría, pero siempre tienen algo en común: el promover cambio y el concientizar a la comunidad.<br>

<p>La presencia internacional de México no es algo nuevo, si bien los términos y el lenguaje de nuestra relación con el mundo han cambiado significativamente Pasamos de tener una vinculación basada en las afinidades culturales, a una apertura cada vez más apuntalada en nuestros intercambios comerciales, en el turismo, las inversiones y la cooperación en materias como la ciencia o la tecnología.<br>

<p>The Mexican Entrepreneur Association (AEM) was established in 1996 by a group of Mexican entrepreneurs seeking to boost success among fellow Mexican entrepreneurs.<br>
AEM’s mission is to create business opportunities that promote progress and innovation, by strengthening ties and developing programs that help and guide business people and young entrepreneurs to become global leaders for their companies’ growth, development, and success.<br>

<p>A group of 20 Mexican teachers graduated from a binational pilot education program aimed to provide better skills to students who travel within Mexico and the United States, specifically between the Cali-Baja region.<br>

<p>The Escondido Union School District (EUSD) has found a way to promote STEM education to their students, by developing high quality teacher training and support for planning and implementing instruction.<br>
The California Math Science Partnership Grant has provided $500,000 per year to EUSD for a length of three years, with the purpose of promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education as well as college and career interest in students, especially those underrepresented in STEM fields of study.<br>