<p>A group of San Diegans affected by California’s Assembly Bill 5 arrived at an Elizabeth Warren campaign event in Barrio Logan where the bill’s author, State Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher (D-San Diego), was to speak before a stump speech by Obama-era HUD secretary Julian Castro.</p>

<p>A meeting of nearly 100 Latino community leaders and activists in Los Angeles last week led to a historic endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President just two weeks before the California primary election.</p>

<p>The Trump Administration is taking a bold new step in apprehending undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities by deploying para-military SWAT units on ICE raids.</p>
<p>Starting next week and running through May, 100 specially-trained SWAT agents will be sent to Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, San Francisco, and Newark, New Jersey, from their border assignments where they usually raid smuggling operations full of guns and drugs.</p>

<p>After much uncertainty about its future, La Bodega Gallery in Barrio Logan will live on in the neighborhood.</p>
<p>Through a social media post, the gallery revealed it will be moving into The National 92113, a creative space inside a former heavy machinery workshop on the nearby corner of National and Sicard.</p>
<p>The Kensington-based firm Ten Seventy Architecture will help design the new floor plan, which is slated to include a gallery space and artist studios.</p>

<p>A new report documents that over 200 people that were refused asylum in the United States were murdered, raped, or tortured after they returned to their native El Salvador.</p>
<p>Human Rights Watch, an international non-governmental organization headquartered in New York City, released the report that documents the conditions asylum seekers face after they attempted to flee the violence of their country, only to be forced to return when their petitions for asylum were denied.</p>

<p>The impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump is over after the US Senate voted against the two articles of impeachment passed by the House of Representatives in December.</p>
<p>On Wednesday, Senators cast their votes on the two separate articles: Article I, which impeached Trump for abuse of power; and Article II, which impeached him for obstruction of Congress.</p>

<p>The recently signed international trade agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada included funding to help address raw sewage spilling into San Diego’s waters from Mexico.</p>
<p>President Trump signed the new US Mexico Canada Agreement, called USMCA, on January 29, after nearly a year of negotiations between the three countries. The USMCA replaces NAFTA, passed in 1992, as the binding trade agreement between the three countries of North America.</p>