<p>Autoridades federales revelaron esta semana en San Diego información sobre el que sería el túnel de más largo jamás encontrado en la frontera, que se extiende a más de tres cuartos de milla de un pequeño edificio industrial en Tijuana, hacia el sur del condado.</p>
<p>La oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza informó que el túnel presentaba un sistema de rieles con carritos, ventilación de aire, cables y paneles eléctricos de alto voltaje, un elevador en la entrada del túnel y un sistema de drenaje.</p>

<p>The San Diego City Council’s Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee this week began the process to create a city ordinance to establish guidelines for the use of audio and video from thousands of surveillance cameras already deployed throughout the City after concerns have been raised by the public and privacy advocates.</p>

<p>201 Americans that were evacuated from China’s Wuhan province because of the Coronavirus arrived at a military base in California this week but will not be forcefully quarantined.</p>

<p>San Diego State University’s proposal to buy SDCCU Stadium from the City for a new stadium, student housing, and commercial development was approved this week by the California State University system’s Board of Trustees.</p>

<p>Una parte el muro que se construye en Calexico, California, se inclinó y estuvo a punto de caer al lado mexicano de la frontera, cuando fue sujeto con cables de acero y equipo pesado que impidió que se derrumbara.</p>
<p>Los obreros que levantan esa parte del muro del presidente Donald Trump reaccionaron alarmados pues el muro habría caído a una calle por la que circulan vehículos y pasan peatones.</p>

<p>La Agencia de Servicios Humanos y de la Salud del condado de San Diego informó que analiza “un caso potencial de corona virus”, a una persona resiente local que recientemente viajó a China.</p>
<p>Informó que autoridades de Salud tomaron muestras del paciente y las enviaron al Centro para el Control de las Enfermedades (CDC).</p>

<p>Federal authorities in San Diego this week announced they have discovered the longest tunnel ever found beneath the US-Mexico border, extending more than three quarters of a mile to a small industrial building in Tijuana.</p>
<p>The Customs and Border Protection office reported that the tunnel features a rail system with trolleys, air ventilation, high voltage electrical cables and panels, an elevator at the tunnel entrance, and a drainage system.</p>

<p>(Updated February 1, 2020) </p>
<p>Long-time local elected official Greg Cox is now serving his last year in office on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, and five candidates are campaigning to replace him as the First District Supervisor representing the areas of San Diego County from Point Loma, downtown, Southeast San Diego, Bonita, Chula Vista, and the border areas.</p>

With two goals scored by Lorenzo Ramirez Jr. and a single goal scored Billy Garton, 1904 FC celebrated its historic home opener against the Irvine-based Cal United Strikers with the club’s first ever victory.