By Kyle Fields

Undocumented immigrants have become the slaves of the United States. The American government complains about an “illegal alien problem,” but undocumented immigrants prove time and time again that they stimulate the struggling American economy which oppresses them. Yet, Americans continue to preach their prejudices against undocumented immigrants in media outlets, and exploit them as cheap labor.

By Michael Rogers

While the poaching of any wild animal is despicable, the illegal killing of such big game animals as elephants and rhinoceroses is especially reprehensible because many of these species are endangered and must be protected.

The global community of hunters and conservationists are united in the desire to eliminate ways big game poachers can profit from illicit black market sales of ivory from tusks and rhino horns, prized in certain cultures.

Frontera NorteSur

On the eve of May Day 2015, the Baja California Peninsula bristles with labor protests. Thousands of farmworkers and teachers have staged work stoppages, marches and occupations of government offices in recent days as they press demands for better wages and working conditions, back pay and dignified treatment.