<p>In addition to wrinkles and graying hair, getting older brings on a less-visible change: diminished cognitive abilities, from simple math to making investment decisions, which can have a big impact on finances.</p>

<p>Have you talked to your loved ones about health insurance lately? Getting covered has important benefits – like keeping you healthy and protecting you from medical costs – so take the time this holiday season to talk to your family and friends about getting covered, and tell them it’s important to you that they do. Remember, Open Enrollment ends February 15, 2015, so it’s important to act fast!</p>
<p>Here are the top five things you need to know:</p>

<p>A number of years ago when a local radio station started playing Christmas music during this season, I received an e-mail asking me to call the station to complain. I told the sender that I rather enjoyed the festive music and suggested he turned the dial if he didn’t like it. I wonder how he’s doing…..but I digress.</p>