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Guest Editorial: 
Al Día

A long batch of tweets excoriating ESPN for broadcasting the World Baseball Classic in Spanish (though the preferred term was actually “Mexican”) and Justin Timberlake’s Hugo Chavez skit on Saturday Night Live prompted a newsroom discussion about whether we — Latinos — are too sensitive about the way we are depicted, or referred to, by non-Latino Americans.

By Steve Rodriguez

What price diversity? That’s the question I now ask myself when watching the popular TV show The Big Bang Theory.
Frequent viewing of this highly rated CBS show—now in its sixth season—has previously begged a more fundamental question: How can a show set in Southern California (Pasadena to be more precise) refuse to feature any Latino characters?

<p><span style="font-size: large;">“Path to Citizenship” will include punishment measures</span></p>
<p>Congressional representatives in charge of putting together an immigration reform bill are considering a so-called “path to citizenship,” the process by which undocumented immigrants living in the country may become legal residents and later citizens. But this path will include a long wait for those who qualify.</p>