<p>En tan sólo pocos días, el Papa Francisco ya ha sorprendido a muchos por su estilo comunicativo directo, sencillo, con dos o tres ideas básicas fáciles de recordar, y a menudo saliéndose del guión para contar alguna anécdota interesante o ilustrativa de lo que acaba de decir.</p>


For the Hispanic community the City of Escondido is considered one of the most anti-Hispanic, racist cities, in the nation. Escondido is more closely associated with their driver’s license checkpoints with immigration officials on hand, the law that penalized landlords for renting to undocumented immigrants, city council voting to evict the Charros de Escondido from their historical park grounds in favor of a ballpark, and the police and ICE officials working hand in hand, than the down home diverse city of hard working people that it is.

<p>“El mensaje de nuestro partido fue débil”, reconoció el dirigente y anunció un plan destinado a rectificar esos errores, según se anuncia en el reporte titulado Proyecto de Crecimiento y Oportunidades, preparado por un panel de miembros del Partido Republicano.</p>


By Mark Martinez

At some point this summer, the largest population group in California will quietly shift from white to Hispanic, the first time since California became a state in 1850.

By 2020, Hispanics will represent almost 41 percent of the population, with nearly 2 million more Hispanics than whites — and topping 1 million Hispanics in five counties, according to new projections by the California Department of Finance.